How To Increase Your Twitter Followers
By Ariel D.

Twitter Influencer

Twitter is one of the best platforms to reach a large audience as it’s mostly a messaging platform and all the tweets remain permanent until they get deleted. Because of this, older tweets can be brought back up again and bring in new followers. Also just like Instagram, your Twitter bio is an important part of how you are branded. Below are a few more specific tips for growing your Twitter followers.

Twitter Influencer

Grow Your Twitter Following

1. Use trending hashtags. By using trending hashtags, you can “piggyback” on what everyone else is talking about around the world. While this can be used to great effect for comical reasons, it’s important to realize that improperly using trending hashtags can turn your audience against you and cause you to even lose followers. Using a tragic current event to help sell your profile with fake sympathy can be very detrimental.

2. Tweet often. You don’t want to drown your audience in a rant but tweeting multiple times a day can lead new followers to your profile especially if you use hashtags. But you also don’t want to tweet to the point where it lessens your impact. If you can come up with only one really funny tweet a day, then stop at that. It will allow you to own that and people will be looking forward to your tweets even if they don’t come as often as other accounts.

3. Timing your tweets. Tweeting more than once a day can be very useful but you may not want to tweet all at once unless you’re a specialized account that focuses on longer strung together tweets. By tweeting in the morning, noon, and night, you give yourself a better shot at reaching an audience around the world.

4. Use the pin feature. If you have a tweet that gains a lot of likes and retweets, Twitter allows you to pin it to the top of your timeline. This can embellish the tweet even more and also show you the extent of how well you can do.

5. Become verified. Verification on Twitter simply means you get to have a blue checkmark next to your handle that verifies who you are. Now in recent years, it has become a lot easier to become verified but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Twitter is ultimately going to be the judge of verification and it’s often reserved for larger accounts of publicly known users. This is most likely going to be the last step in your Twitter growth process as it requires some fame and recognition in real life for it to come to fruition. But don’t get discouraged on this step as there are a lot of verified accounts out there and some people that you may not think would have verification, have gotten their little blue checkmark.

Grow Your Twitter Following