Baltimore Curvy Model

Save #122274


Diana H


I am truly a unique individual. I'm dependable, respectful, ambitious and eager. I have a natural ability to to relate to people from all walks of life and I have an impeccable sales record.

  • Views: 3,084
  • Home City: Baltimore, MD
  • Travel: Local
  • Experience: Semi-Professional
  • Type: Curvy Model
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'03
  • Body Type: Average
  • Hair: Black
  • Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
  • 2nd Language: NA
  • Join Date: 04/2020
  • Other Cities: NA
  • Other Types: NA

I have previously modeled for Suicide Girls, but I'm also a member of the GLORY girls of professional wrestling. With both of those experiences, I have gained the confidence and experience to be comfortable in large crowds. With my background in sales, I have the confidence, savvy, and the gift of being able to close nearly every sale.

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